Pakistan State Oil, laid the foundation of its campus in Tando Mohammed Khan, Sindh on Saturday, in collaboration with The Citizens’ Foundation. The groundbreaking ceremony was arranged at Wasi Malook, TMK, Sindh. Gracing the occasion, the Minister of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Syed Naveed Qamar commenced the ceremony, along with senior management from PSO and representatives from TCF. He said, “We must make a major investment in the field of education in order to move forward as a nation. It is heartening to see that leading entities like PSO and TCF are stepping forward to assist in this national cause.”
The largest energy provider in the country, PSO sees to many diverse initiatives under the ambit of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ranging from health and education, to environmental protection. The Company realizes its responsibility in this domain and conscientiously works towards the betterment of society in many different spheres. “PSO has time and again reached out to those in remote areas bringing to them basic human rights such as health and education, for free. We thank our partner TCF for their cooperation and support in helping us further such a noble project,” said Irfan Qureshi, Managing Director, PSO.
For this venture, PSO pledged the entire construction cost and the operational expenditure for the first three years. Earlier, PSO has sponsored three schools in earthquake-affected areas of Manshera in collaboration with TCF and Heritage Foundation. CSR is more relevant now than ever before and especially in the context of the current social landscape. It can help to build, and rebuild trust in business, which is vital for the health of Pakistan's social market economy. For generations to come, PSO is firmly etched its place as a pioneer amongst many local companies in that regard. |