Get a FREE Foodpanda Voucher worth upto 1000 PKR with every purchase of Carient Motor Oil!

  1. Scratch the voucher to reveal the code 🤳🏻
  2. Scan the QR code to redeem your reward 🎁
  3. Enjoy your FREE voucher on Foodpanda 🍴

Don't miss out on this limited time offer!

Terms and Condition

  1. Vouchers are not applicable on delivery fee, platform fees or taxes.
  2. All voucher QR codes will be unique.
  3. Vouchers are applicable for redemption in-app or on the foodpanda web portal.
  4. Vouchers are not allowed to be exchanged for other forms of goods, services, cash or any monetary equivalent.
  5. Each voucher QR code can only be used once, and only one voucher can be used for each transaction.
  6. Voucher can be redeemed on all restaurants, shops and pandamart except for selective outlets that do not accept voucher as mode of payment.
  7. Voucher duration: Valid until 28.02.2025.
  8. Voucher of Rs. 1000 is valid on the purchase of Carient S-PRO & Carient Fully Synthetic only.
  9. Voucher of Rs. 600 is valid on the purchase of Carient Ultra 4L & 3L only.
  10. This offer will only be applicable on the purchase of Carient promo packs. PSO On Wheels service, only available in Karachi, Lahore, & Islamabad, can be availed for oil change using the pre-purchased Carient Promo Pack from any forecourt/hi-street/oil changer.

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