PSO announces record results for FY10-11

August 09, 2011

PSO announces record results for FY10-11


KARACHI  August 09, 2011: Pakistan State Oil posted record results for the financial year 2011 and announced an after tax earnings of Rs. 14.7 billion as compared to earnings after tax of Rs. 9.05 billion during the previous financial year. These results were declared after PSO’s Board of Management (BoM) convened on Tuesday at PSO House to review the company’s performance over the fiscal year 2010-11.


Despite  financial challenges posed by the ever increasing circular debt and the economic slow down, PSO maintained its position as the market leader with a market share of 78.2% and 54.4%  in the Black Oil and White Oil segments respectively, thereby contributing to an overall market share of 65.6%. 


PSO sold 12.6 million tons of POL products in FY 11 with net sales revenue growing to Rs. 975 billion in comparison to Rs. 877 billion in the previous year. 


The BoM declared a final cash dividend of Rs. 2 per share in addition to the already paid interim dividends at Rs. 8 per share. Earnings per share also registered an improvement to Rs. 86.17 per share from Rs. 52.76 per share last year.


While expressing their confidence in the strategic vision and managerial skills of the PSO management, the Board nevertheless expressed serious concern on the spiraling receivables which stood at Rs. 138.2 billion as of August 9, 2011. They observed that the financial costs associated with servicing this debt coupled with consistent delays in payment from the power sector continued to hurt the overall profitability of the company.  The BoM also directed that efforts be made to reduce the impact of the burgeoning financial costs through constant pursuit for recovery of receivables from the power sector entities as well as from the Government of Pakistan.

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