An Impressive Outcome of Teamwork!

August 07, 2006

An Impressive Outcome of Teamwork!

Thank you for being at your professional best during a period marked with global price spikes, erratic domestic consumption and an ever-growing competition. It is indeed a great achievement, and all on the strength of excellent teamwork in every facet and sphere of our corporate initiatives and operations.

As you are well aware, the Board of Management on August 3, 2006, reviewed the company performance for the year ended June 30, 2006, and acknowledged the enormous efforts and contributions made by the highly motivated and dedicated employees, who in completely harmonious working relationship with dealers, cartage contractors, vendors and other stakeholders, made possible the impressive financial results and enhanced image of the company.

While celebrating, we must be aware of the increasing challenges in the form of financial changes, realignment of margin régime, international oil prices, supply constraints and receivables from GOP. This necessitates an even more aggressive and dynamic collective response from us. We must innovate to offer technologically advanced differentiated products and services to our customers; bring in more cost efficiency in our working and become extra vigilant in pursuing our corporate goals and targets.

We must remember that the future belongs to those who stay ahead of competition; and this is possible only through teamwork and diligent and smart strategies as market leaders. I am confident that together we can surpass any obstacle in the way of our progress ahead.


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