PSO celebrates Customer Care Day

June 16, 2010

Date: June 16, 2010
PSO celebrates Customer Care Day

Pakistan State Oil, the largest public sector organization in the energy sector, celebrated Customer Interaction Programs (CIP) and CNG Customer Care Day at select PSO outlets in Karachi. The objective of the day was to honor and increase interaction with the customers while providing them with an opportunity to interact with PSO management. Senior members of the Company were present at the venue and interacted with customers. The initiative was in line with Company’s vision to enhance customer experience and portray a proactive customer-centric approach to all stakeholders.

As part of the program, a special consumer promotion scheme was also launched to further augment customer experience. Under the promotion, all customers who purchased a CNG Plus Oil lubricant received a free CNG refill worth Rs. 100. The initiative was well received by customers who were forthcoming in terms of feedback and greatly appreciated the Company’s initiative and environmentally friendly products. Customers also enjoyed free giveaways and refreshments at the venue and said that PSO should provide more customer interaction platforms like these.

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