December 08, 2010
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="550"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="text11" height="25">Date: December 8, 2010</td></tr> <tr> <td class="HeadLine11" height="30"><strong>PSO receives PCP's Corporate Philanthropy Award</strong></td></tr> <tr> <td class="text11"> <p>Pakistan State Oil (PSO), the largest energy company in the country has been recognized by the Pakistan Center of Philanthropy with the PCP Corporate Philanthropy Award at an event, recently. PSO was ranked amongst the top 5 public listed companies by volume of donation in the year 2008.</p> <p>PCP is an independent non-profit organization with a mission to promote the volume and effectiveness of philanthropy for social development in Pakistan. PCP has introduced the Corporate Philanthropy Awards to acknowledge the contribution of the corporate sector for supporting social causes and community development.</p> <p>Mariam Shah, Corporate Communications Manager, PSO, who received the award on behalf of the company, from the Minister for Finance, Abdul Hafeez Sheikh said that this award is a recognition of the company's sincere efforts towards corporate philanthropy. "Corporate philanthropy is an integral part of our business. With a strong sense of corporate social responsibility, we at PSO believe in making a difference in lives - a difference that is able to permeate the very fabric of society towards uplifting the economic well-being of the people wherever they are," she added.</p> <p>PSO has made itself synonymous with community contribution. The company's main thrusts are education, healthcare and community building which entail activities for women empowerment, children welfare and relief efforts during and after natural calamities.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>