Promotional Activities

PSO's biodiesel initiative

PSO is staunchly carrying out promotional activities by giving presentations, submitting research reports, and corresponding with Federal & Provincial Ministers, Arm Forces, and Senior Official of Federal and Provincial Ministries, AEDB, PARC, FSC&R, SMEDA. In addition, PSO actively participates in seminars arranged for promotion, research and development work on Jatropha in Pakistan.

PSO biodiesel initiative was selected as a case study and presented in Corporate Summit on Climate Change organized by Lead Pakistan.

AEDB recognized PSOs’ efforts and selected PSO as a focal member of the Biodiesel Advisory Committee, which is working on the road map of the National Biodiesel Program.

PSO & Ministry of Agricultural, Baluchistan formed a joint team to suggest a way forward to GoB for introducing Biodiesel in Baluchistan Province.

A Joint team identified a piece of land for the pilot project in district Lasbella, Baluchistan.

The PSO biodiesel initiative was presented in different seminars and received public and professional appreciation.

PSO Representation at Various Forums

  • 01

    PSO’s representation at 5th International Conference on Alternate Energy & Power - ICAEP

  • 02

    PSO’s Representation at University of Agriculture Faisalabad.

  • 03

    PSO’s Representation at Agricultural Reform Movement

  • 04

    PSO’s Representation at Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industries

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